Monday, 16 April 2007

The Knowability of God

Apart from knowability not being a word, this is a great chapter!

I like the way in which the scope of 'not knowing but continuing to discover' God is built up from "we can't know God fully" through "we can't fully understand any one thing about God" to "even in eternity we will continue to find out more about God".

It rightly goes against some of the ways in which some people try and put God into a 'box' of their own understanding and insist that they need to understand God in order to believe in Him.

Surely it is only God who is past our understanding who is worth trusting and praising.

It is good - section C - however to realise that we can (and should) know true things about God!

Its also interesting - particularly in the light of recent conversations - that Grudem does make the point that its not just that we can find out facts about God but that we can actually know him in a real and personal way.

One amazing thought which occurred to me (which I don't think I saw in this chapter!) is that even though God is so infinitely vast that we cannot fully comprehend him (or any part of him) his knowledge is so infinite that he can comprehend himself! This seems like a big statement to me....

Enjoy the chapter

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