Tuesday 2 January 2007


Hi. Yes it's me. I have finally got round to doing a post on the blog. Thank you Richard for forcing me! I don't really know what I have of value to say, since I don't know half as much about anything as either of you guys. Ask me again in a year!

But in answer to Richard's initial questions that he posed, I think there is value in teaching systematic theology and studying it in a dedicated way because without it it can become all to easy to see every different bit of doctrine or belief (or even biblical book or passage) as separate and unrelated. By seeing it all in together, it is possible to avoid this and we can see all of God's works and words and how they relate to one another.

With regards to the second question, i am looking forward in particular to the sections relating to Church politics and forms of Church (since it is something i have never really considered and have very narrow experience with) and later on at the chapters on the end times (as this is something i have never had any teaching on and know very little about, beyond the very basics.

I will try to contribute, but i don't know how much i have to say that is of interest

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