Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Genesis revisited, er, revisited?

Your link is doing strange things - it's pointing somewhere weird that doesn't exist!

Seriously, though, I see what you're saying about the blindness thing. I think I just made up the 3-day thing. I might have heard it somewhere and had it lurking. I guess that by itself it wouldn't be enough to make a case and if there are stronger pointers it doesn't matter too much whether it is making a parallel itself. So in some ways it doesn't matter too much.

Exactly what Abraham thought he was saying is an interesting question. I was surprised to see him referred to as a prophet, so he must have prophesied something... It's possible to prophesy without knowing it, though (John 11:49-52). Maybe a chat for another night...


Graham Criddle said...

I'm not sure where Abraham prophesied either.
However I could argue that Caiphas did know what he was doing in John. Does not verse 51 "He did not say this on his own" means that he was saying it under someone's guidance - in this case God's?

Richard Criddle said...

I don't think I follow your argument on Caiphas. I took it that he thought he was just saying it was worth killing Jesus to avoid Rome getting angry. Unknown to him, God worked through him to prophecy Jesus' death for all. That's how I read v52 - where it seems Caiphas didn't realise the extent of what he was saying. No?